Recital Day Information
This document is FULL of details and information about the Recital Day including the Recital Order (important to check if your dancer has costume changes). Please be sure to understand it all and feel free to email us if you have any questions.
General Logistics for both Dress Rehearsal and Recital Day
Location: Dress Rehearsals and Recital will take place at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theater at 603 Edmonston Dr, Rockville, MD 20851.
Parking: There is plenty of parking on site--behind the theater (by the Social Hall) and across from it.
Food/Drink: Only water is allowed in the auditorium.
What to Wear: Your dancer should come to the recital IN FULL COSTUME with hair done and their correct dance shoes. Makeup is optional.
Document Clarity: There are three documents to understand.
The Dress Rehearsal Schedule is each class’s time slot when they need to be at the theater.
The Dress Rehearsal Order is the order the dances will be rehearsed on stage at the Dress Rehearsal. This order could change once we are on-site.
The Recital Order is the order the dances will appear on Recital Day (different than the order at the Dress Rehearsal).
Costume Changes: Please check both the Dress Rehearsal Order (in Dress Rehearsal Information Link) and Recital Order (see below) to see which costume your dancer should arrive in on each day. In a few cases, your dancer will arrive in a different costume at the Dress Rehearsal than they will at the Recital. Please study both documents carefully.
At the Recital, there will be "Costume Change Helpers" who will change your dancer backstage in dressing rooms. Upon arrival (they should already be wearing their first costume), your dancer will be directed to carry their other costume(s)/shoes/accessories to a Costume Change Helper. This Helper will bring your dancer backstage to their designated spot in a dressing room, help lay out their entire costume, and then bring your dancer back to their class. Reminder! They will change back into their first costume after Recital A and lay out their second costume again. We will remind them of this, but we ask that you reinforce this as well.
This is different than at the Dress Rehearsal where parents will help their dancer change into their second costume in the bathrooms.
Recital A is 10:00-11:00
Recital B is 12:00-1:00
Please come fully dressed in costume (which includes hair done and optional makeup).
Otherwise, Bring Nothing!*
Dancers should not bring ANYTHING with them to the recital--not even a water bottle! We will have tons of snacks and water on hand to feed your dancers backstage. Please have them eat a big breakfast before arriving. ALL SNACKS WILL BE NUT FREE.
*Dancers who are in multiple dances must wear their first costume and bring their other costumes/dance shoes/accessories with them. Please see the Recital Order below to know which costume to arrive in and which one to bring for Recital Day. Upon arrival, they will be directed to a Costume Change Helper who will help lay out their other costume(s) in their designated spot in the backstage dressing rooms. Don't forget all dance shoes and accessories!
We have a battalion of babysitters helping out and supervising backstage on Recital Day. Please prepare your dancer that they will meet new faces that morning, but they will also see their teacher who will be backstage helping to run the show. While waiting to perform, dancers will watch the recital dances from a live feed on a TV in the Social Hall, play games, color, eat snacks, and do puzzles with their babysitters and dance friends.
All dancers** should arrive between 9:15-9:30.
**When Will My Life Begin (Creative Playdance Mon 3:15), Anything (Creative Playdance Wed 3:15), and Let's Go Crazy (Intro to Dance Mon 4:15) should arrive at 11:30 since they are in Recital B only.
Auditorium doors will open at 9:30am (Recital A) and 11:30am (Recital B).
The F Scott Fitzgerald Theater has two main entrances: 1) The lobby/auditorium 2) The Social Hall.
The Social Hall will be our main holding area (just as the Gym was at last year's recital). The entrance to the Social Hall is at the back of the Theater building, right off of the rear parking lot.
Drop Off: Please drop off all dancers at the Social Hall entrance. Then proceed around to the front of the building to the lobby/auditorium entrance.
Preschool Pick Up
After both Recital A and Recital B, preschool classes will be picked up directly from the stage.
What Happens After Recital A (Special Instructions)
We want to give Recital A-Only Ticket Holders a chance to hug and take pictures with their dancer before they must return to prepare for Recital B.
After Recital A, B.E.A.T. (1st Grade, Monday 5:45 Jazz/Hip Hop) will stay on stage to greet their friends and family in the auditorium. They are the only 1st grade class with Recital A-Only Ticket Holders. After pictures, please take your dancer to the bathroom and have them return downstairs to the Social Hall by 11:30. Babysitters will be waiting for them.
After Recital A, all 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, and 4th Grade classes will be directed to head off stage and into the lobby with their teachers where they can meet their friends and family. After pictures, please take your dancer to the bathroom and have them return downstairs to the Social Hall by 11:30. Babysitters will be waiting for them.
After Recital A, 1st Grade classes (except for B.E.A.T.) and Kindergarten classes will go back to the Social Hall with their babysitters--their families have tickets to Recital B.
Pick-Up After Recital B
All K-4th Grade dancers will come back to the Social Hall after the Finale. (Preschoolers will be picked up from the stage). Please send ONE caregiver to the entrance of the Social Hall. The doors will be closed as we organize all the classes--please do not open them. We will then dismiss class-by-class starting with Kindergarten and ending with 4th Grade.