

Bethesda Dance Center is located at 4507 Stanford Street.

There is a parking lot next to the studio. Please park in shared spots or BDC designated spots. Do not park in Urgent Care parking spots. Street parking is also available. For arrival, if you do not want to park, feel free to drop dancers off—they can go up the stairs and wait in the lobby before their class starts. For dismissal, if you do not want to park, managers and teachers will be on-hand to help direct dancers to their waiting cars.

Dancers must come to class already dressed in their dance attire. Dancers can change shoes in the studio. All classes are drop-off (except Move with Me). Please be on time for drop-off and pick-up.

Tuition & Fees

When you register for Bethesda Dance Center, you are agreeing to a full September-May commitment. (This does not include Move with Me or KinderAcro which are semester-only classes)

Tuition is broken up into two payments. The first payment is due upon registration. The second payment will be charged on December 4th.

There is a non-refundable registration fee of $35 per dancer at registration.

There is a Recital costume fee varies by age. Please see the class page for this information.

Performance Company and Competition Team will have extra fees which may include the uniform, conventions, competitions and field trips.

Attendance & Enrollment

Attendance at dance class must be a priority. Dancers depend upon one another for spacing and formations. Each week new skills are learned as well as new dance steps for dance routines and performances. Please inform us if your dancer will be absent or communicate their absence in the system through your account.

Classes that do not meet minimal enrollment will be combined or canceled.

Recital & Dress Rehearsals

Each dancer will participate in BDC's end-of-year Spring Recital. Please see the Calendar for Dress Rehearsal and Recital dates. ​Recital tickets will be sold separately.

Dress Rehearsals are mandatory so that all dancers and classes are set up for success for Recital Day. Once Dress Rehearsal dates are confirmed we will inform you. There will be a special schedule on Dress Rehearsal days.

Refunds, Withdrawals & Makeups

BDC will refund 50% of your first tuition payment by August 15, 2025. After August 15th, BDC has a no refund policy.

BDC has a non-refundable $35 registration fee.

Costume fees are refundable as long as the costume has not been ordered.

Refunds will not be issued for withdrawals, missed-classes, illness, or inclement weather closures.

Prorated semester refunds for withdrawals will be considered on a case-by-case basis due to medical circumstances.

When a student withdraws from any class, it is necessary to notify BDC in writing.

We do not offer makeup classes.


If your child is sick in any way, please do not bring them to class. If your child is injured, we encourage/request that they still come to class. There is much to learn by watching their dance class.

Snow/Inclement Weather

We will follow Montgomery County Public Schools on the first day of a snow/inclement weather event and will make independent decisions about opening Bethesda Dance Center if there are subsequent days of closure.